Welcome to the Skills Acquistion Cycle for Pre-Season 2023!
Before we get started, check out these resources. The Skill Acquisition Manual tells you all you need to know at this phase of training and the FIFA 11+ manual will guide you on the warm up activities to start to incorporate into your training.
Each week we will load up the session plans for the focus skill for that week. The first session plan listed is the session plan that we will all use in the Monday training. Use the QR code on the session plan to scan and view animations.
Additional session plans are added for you to use in your second training session in the week.
WEEK 1 – First Touch
These sessions cover the skill of First Touch. These sessions are focused on scanning and body positioning; taking the first touch away from the defender and a good first touch to set up next action.

Monday 27th Feb Session
First Touch – Face Forward
Extra Sessions
First Touch – Away from defender
First Touch – Set up next action
WEEK 2 – Striking the Ball
These sessions cover the skill of Striking the Ball. These sessions are focused on improving players’ ability to play line breaking passes to take defenders out of the game; positioning of plant foot and striking the ball with the laces; and first time finishing.

Monday 6th Mar Session
Striking the Ball – Line Breaking Passes
WEEK 3 – Running with the ball
These sessions cover the skill of Running with the Ball. The focus of the sessions are improving players’ ability to keep the ball under close control whilst dribbling, changing direction when running with the ball at speed and ability to run with the ball at speed into space.

Monday 20th Mar Session
Running With The Ball (Close Control)
WEEK 4 – 1v1 Attacking
These sessions cover the skill of 1v1 with an emphasis on attacking. The focus of the sessions are improvine players’ ability to use deception moves to shift defenders and to protect the ball when being marked tightly from behind

Monday 27th Mar Session
1v1 Attacking (Deception)
WEEK 5 – 1v1 Defending
These sessions cover the skill of 1v1 with an emphasis on defending. The focus of the sessions are to win the ball back from an opponent, to prevent opponents from turning and facing forward when receiving a pass and improving player’s ability to prevent an attacker getting past them.

Monday 3rd April Session
1v1 Defending (Prevent Turn)
Thanks Mereki and Davide