Reflecting on Sir Doug Nicholls Round in 2023

Reflecting on Sir Doug Nicholls Round in 2023

At Monday night’s training we heard from President Jane Ryan about the important heritage of Sir Douglas Nicholls and the strong women in his life who equally strove for the well-being and equality of First Nations people, with a heartfelt call out against racism in...
SAP Pre-Season 2023

SAP Pre-Season 2023

Welcome to the Skills Acquistion Cycle for Pre-Season 2023! Before we get started, check out these resources.  The Skill Acquisition Manual tells you all you need to know at this phase of training and the FIFA 11+ manual will guide you on the warm up activities to...
Gender Inclusion Policy Consultation

Gender Inclusion Policy Consultation

The Darebin Women’s Sports Club was founded by women as a club for women and girls to participate in sport in a supportive environment.The explicitly feminist roots of our club’s culture and mission remain unchanged. Further, the DWSC has a proud history and culture...
Darebin ready to take on 2022

Darebin ready to take on 2022

Despite having to operate through a second year impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Darebin Women‘s Sports Club was able to field teams from its three key sports programs and survive 2021 – the year of lockdown. The club certainly did not take a step back, fielding 26...
VFLW Match Report – Round 13

VFLW Match Report – Round 13

VFLW Round 13 vs Casey Demons Saturday 19th June 2021 Casey Fields Darebin 1.1.7 def by 9.6.60 Casey Demons Photos by @Rob Lawson Photography The Falcons, and the VFLW 2021 season, were under considerable stress this last month, with Melbourne hit by yet another snap...
Game Day Tips for Junior Coaches

Game Day Tips for Junior Coaches

It’s game day! ⚽️  🥅  🏃🏽‍♀️ We know that every coach handles game day differently, so we asked some junior coaches to share their tips with us. Here are their top four tips: 1. Planning is important...
Go Fives Tournament

Go Fives Tournament

Go Fives Five a Side Soccer Tournament at Darebin Falcons We are so excited for the return of soccer and will be running a Go Fives competition in November and December.  The competition is open to all Junior Girls from Under 8s to Under 16s and we welcome team...

Soccer Skill of the Week – The Thigh Trap

Tahlia from U11s shows us the Do’s and Don’ts of the thigh trap.  Strong girls know that practice makes progress! If you want to show us your skill of the week, all you need is a bit of space, a phone and some practice!  Send us your soccer skill today!...

Chapter 7 – The Move to AH Capp: 2004-2005

The 2004 and 2005 seasons were a period of transition and change at the Falcons. With the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games on the horizon, grounds and sporting precincts in the Darebin area were being redeveloped. This meant some clubs would be forced to relocate....

Chapter 6 – Parkside joins Darebin

If footy fate exists, then it was in action at the end of the 2002 VWFL season. The Falcons footy program was in the midst of a rough patch. While an increase in player numbers at the beginning of the season had encouraged the club to enter a second team in Division...

Chapter 5 – 8-Ball and the Falcons

In July of 2005, the Falcons added another string to their bow—adding 8-Ball as a trial sport. Founding club member and player and long-serving club president Sal Rees brought the game into the fold. Her team, the Devils—who had already been playing for at least...
Chapter 4 – Adding Cricket to the Mix

Chapter 4 – Adding Cricket to the Mix

In keeping with the Falcons story, the beginning of cricket at the club has its genesis in friendship. “I used to play cricket against a few of the girls that played for Fairfield,” explained Trish Riddell. “And I used to go watch the football and then I sort of said...
Chapter 1 – The Founding Story

Chapter 1 – The Founding Story

At the end of the 1989 Victorian Women’s Football League (VWFL) season, the Fairfield Falcons had lost all but one player. It looked likely to be a disappointing end to the club’s involvement with the only women’s football league in the state after first forming in...