The season will run from May 1st – September 23rd (school terms 2 and 3).
Prior to the season starting We are holding two registration days where all new players are welcome to come along for a fun morning of soccer and register for the season or just give the game a try.
Registration days will be held on the following dates:
Sunday 13th March, 10-11.30am
Sunday 10th April, 10-11.30am
Both will be held at A.H. Capp Reserve, Halwyn Crescent, Preston. We will be using the football ground in front of the clubrooms. Parking is available.
Come and give soccer a try, all girls in the 4-9 age group are welcome!
For more information about junior soccer at the Darebin Falcons, please email Jasmine Hirst (link to [email protected])