Falcons Soccer v Kyneton Rangers
After heavy rain right up to the kick-off, The Falcons Metro League Team was lucky enough to run out onto their home ground with blue sky beginning to peep through the clouds and fortunately that the weather stayed that way throughout the match. The Falcons got off to a slow start which Kyneton Rangers were able to capitaltise on, and score 4 quick goals in the first 30 minutes. But the Falcons then settled and from then on took it right up to their opposition.

Eliza made some great runs up forward before succumbing to injury and Maria and Michelle teamed up well to give the Kyenton defence a lot of trouble. Staci, Ange, Kate, Amy and Briony worked hard in mid-field and were rewarded when Briony saw the keeper off her line and lofted a beautiful ball into the top of the net. The Falcons had scored their first ever Metro team goal! More success was to come a few minutes later when Ange took a perfect corner, curling the ball in where it bounced off the fingertips of the goalie and into the net. The Falcons took the momentum with them into the half time break.
The second half saw some valiant defending from Ruth, Sal, Alice, Jas and Fiona and the Rangers were kept out. The introduction of Brenda’s fresh(ish) legs upfront gave the Falcons some energy. However as the game wore on and both teams tired, it was the Rangers who were able to take their opportunities and score two more goals. With the final scoreline at 6-2, the Falcons were pleased with the improvement shown throughout the game. The contribution and effort from all players, many of whom were playing on their first or second game of soccer ever, was fantastic.