Falcons Futsal (Indoor Soccer) Over 30’s team.
Hi soccer/futsal women!
I jsut got this through from the FFV, its five a side soccer on Saturdays, and is intended to be social and fun. FFV is running it, rego for a team is $100 (proobaly does NOT include refs fees). This comp SCREAMS pre-season training, if you ask me, I’d almost say everyone who is thinking of playing for the outdoor team next year should consider getting involved in either this comp, and/or the futsal comp. I’m going to be doing both but that’s cos I don’t have a life/friends/anything better to do with my time.
ALSO this might be a good opportunity for those who want to keep their touch up over the offseason, and who can’t make it to futsal on Sundays to get involved. The time might suit others better, games are on Sautrdays 11-1. PLEASE let me know ASAP if you would prefer to do this INSTEAD of futsal, so I can make sure the indoor teams are still ok.
I’m going to go ahead and register ONE team for this comp.
Regards Staci.
Attached is the email address of staci if you are interested in playing. [email protected]