v Melbourne University @ Coburg City Oval



 Premier Reserves

Melbourne Uni 4.2, 4.3, 5.6, 5.7 (37)
Darebin 0.0, 1.2, 3.2, 4.6 (30)



Melbourne Uni: K. Macqueen 2, R. Grounds 1, M. Bastiaan 1, T. Seden 1

Darebin: L. Potter 2, J. Milne 1, K. Tyndall 1



Melbourne Uni: M. Bastiaan, R. Grounds, T. French, B. Strugnell, R. Allchin, K. Macqueen

Darebin: T. Alexandrow, K. Tyndall, L. Potter, T. Escreet, M. Van Riel, T. Mifka


After coming out and playing so well the week before, it’s safe to say that nobody was pleased when we went into the quarter time huddle facing a 26-point deficit and only going inside our forward 50 twice. The wind was blowing against us and Melbourne Uni just looked that one step ahead of us for the entire first quarter.  


We showed a lot more fight in the second quarter and became more tactically aware of what the Muggars were doing. Our midfielders began winning clearances and although we only won the quarter by seven points, we kept them within an arms length as we headed inside for the major break.


Although Melbourne Uni scored the first goal of the second half, which would eventually be their only goal of the final three quarters, the girls never dropped their heads and believed that we could get ourselves back into the game. As it happened, we continued to slowly reel them. Our midfield movement began to come together, our defenders found space and time on the rebound and our forwards looked damaging.


The final quarter was one of those quarters that just make you think that maybe we weren’t meant to win that game. This was best demonstrated when a long bomb from Potter bounced the wrong way in the goal square, despite being a perfect drop punt.


Although we didn’t get the result we wanted, eventually going down by seven points, the fact that we never dropped our heads and showed guts to get back in the game gives us confidence that if we do find ourselves in that situation again, we are not out of it. With that said, we have a lot of work to do to make sure we don’t find ourselves in that position again.


The midfield efforts of Toni were nothing short of inspirational while Tyndall’s usual dash and dare lifted the girls at times when we looked to be trapped. Although given limited opportunities, our forwards did well to find space and keep the scoreboard ticking over, even if it was the behinds category and not the goals. Although we conceded 26 points in the first term, to keep them to only 11 points in three quarters was a fantastic effort by our defenders.


If the game had have been 10 minutes longer, maybe the result would have been different. However, it is very early on in the season and one of the best things about footy is that you don’t have to wait long to be given the chance to make up for your shortcomings. Our focus now turns to St Albans and securing those important four points.


Photograph courtesy of VWFL Pix’s


Premier Division
Darebin 3.8, 5.12, 13.15, 15.18 (108)
Melbourne Uni 0.0, 2.1, 2.3, 3.4 (22)


Darebin: L. Arnell 5, R. Privitelli 4, D. Vescio 2, A. O’Connor 2, T. Ashby 1, J. Dal Pos 1
Melbourne Uni: C. McIntosh 1, G. Pound 1, A. Bye 1


Darebin: D. Vescio, S. Simpson, T. Ashby, J. Dal Pos, E. O’Dea, S. Egan
Melbourne Uni: K. Hay, E. Kearney, S. Catania, N. Stevens, M. Perceval, L. Stephenson


The Falcons [PLAY ON!] headed back to Coburg City Oval for their round 2 clash with up and comers Melbourne Uni [PLAY ON!]. With a tough opening round under their belts,[PLAY ON!] the team was prepared for plenty more hard ball footy. It had been a physical session [PLAY ON!] on the training track during the week and the falcs were up and about with a mixture of nerves and excitement before the game [PLAY ON!].


The toss of the coin went the Falcons way this week and they opened their account kicking with a slight breeze towards the grand stand end. Failure to capitalise on the scoreboard translated to a 3 goal 8 quarter from the Falcs – but was still far superior to the opposition who failed to trouble the scorer by the first break. Leading by example were the likes of Woody and Daisy whose harassment, bumping and tackling set the tone for the day.


The second quarter started a little like the first. The Falcons controlled the ball for most of the first 10 minutes but only had 3 points to show for it. Ball movement in the forward line was good, but even the strong marking Richo started to live up to her nickname – missing goals she’d normally dob with ease! (we love ya Richo!). The muggers finally put a score on the board but it was against the trend and whilst the second quarter saw them add two majors, the Falcons also were able to snag majors and went into half time with a very comfortable lead.


No one really knows what happened in the third quarter because the live streaming footage has strangely disappeared – or at least been docked. What we do know is that this is the quarter where the Falcs put the foot down (or is that “feet down”?). Junior continued to rack up possessions. She was to the ball, like an accountant is to a spreadsheet – inseparable. The muggers struggled to move the ball past the centre line due to the run and spread of the Falcons superior backline. When they did penetrate their 50, it was sent straight back out again.


An 8 goal to none third quarter put the game out of reach for the muggers and in the final term, Darebin coach Richo took the opportunity to add variety and experience to his line up by moving players around. Hickey enjoyed a stint in the forward line although had to be told that hitting the posts was not worth more points than putting the ball between them. Richo’s strong marking was put to good use in the backline and first gamer Nic was used as the utility she is and worked well all over the ground. Loz kicked a lazy bag of 5 and Trashie did what Trashie does….which is mostly run rings around her opponents and sneak in with a cheeky goal! The falcs also welcomed back Schwagger…who after a year of furthering her career appears to have also furthered her vocabulary.


In the end a comfortable win by the Falcons with pleasing signs for the coach. Well done girls!


  Photograph courtesy of VWFL Pix’s